
Mixing Fabrics can be Life-Threatening

  Have you ever been   allergic to a person ? That time when one may giddy along the moment that leads to watery eyes, tickly nose, and the urge to itch the skin before noticing the same person who witnessed the last episode. “You make my skin itch.”  A phrase commonly mistaken as a joke. Yet one might’ve never noticed the symptoms that occurred when standing next to that person- burying the experience deep in the subconscious. One may go as far as developing negative feelings and relationships towards said person all due to the subtle signals the body sent to defend the host from an undetected allergen. Well, it is not actually the person. Those allergy-like symptoms can occur from contact with harsh materials that are infused together during the process of creating fabric. The person in question might have purchased from the same manufacturing company, store, or business owner— thus owning the same type of material in several clothing items. You might’ve subconsciously noticed an itc

People are Allergic to Condoms and other Unusual Allergy Triggers

  The hour before my teen would arrive from school was winding down. The importance of a clean and cozy home is necessary to unwind. Also, to recharge from the allergens that may have occurred during school time. I loaded the dishwasher, cleaned surfaces, disinfected doorknobs and light switches, swept, mop, did the laundry, dusted sitting areas, and whatnot before realizing it was almost time he would arrive. Any minute my teenager would step through the door. I began the procedure to purifying the air which included lighting a Sweet Sage Pure candle to remove the leftover toxins. I retrieved the vacuum from the living room’s closet. Vacuuming was the last task. While vacuuming, I noticed a feeling in between the thumb and pointer finger, I assumed the feeling derived from aggressively vacuuming due to rushing to complete the last chore. I was totally wrong. After I stopped vacuuming, I examined my hand and discovered a reddish-purplish bruise. Did the vacuum cleaner burn my skin? I w

The Pure Project

  The Pure Project DID YOU KNOW asthma is the leading cause of chronic illnesses and disabilities in children of the United States of America? As such, allergies are not too far behind — with forty percent of Americans suffering from yearly reactions. Americans who have chronic allergies sometimes even form asthma, also known as allergic asthma— a two for one with nothing special about the deal. There are many factors that comes to surface when dealing with allergens. Foods, molds, nature, animals, synthetic hair, nicotine, and dust particles are some of the top causes of severe allergic reactions. Once undergoing a reaction, medical procedures and prescriptions are in place to help control symptoms and prevent unwarranted circumstances. But before we dive into those, let’s take a further dive into the world of allergies and asthma. WHAT ARE ALLERGIES Allergies is a defense reaction of the immune system to foreign substances. The foreign substances such as pollen, dust, synthetic hair,